G'mar Chatimah Tovah--May you be sealed in the Book of Life
Sorry I haven't posted much lately, but I've been insanely busy at the office and have been getting home late. I expect this to continue for probably at least another few weeks. Oh, well, that's what they pay me for.
In better news, I managed to sneak in a super-quick shopping trip, and bought myself a new, better-fitting pair of non-leather shoes for Yom Kippur (and Tisha B'Av), mostly because it's supposed to be pouring rain around here tomorrow morning--I don't want to wear my non-leather sandals and arrive in synagogue with soaked soles in addition to an in-need-of-repair soul. Like my usual shoes, the new ones are lace-up athletic shoes that (I hope) won't slip and irritate my bad foot, and are ugly as sin--which is, I suppose, appropriate. :( But I asked my husband to take my gorgeous--not--Niagara Fall sandals (see linked post) to shul this afternoon before our pre-fast dinner, just in case. :)
Have an easy and meaningful fast.
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